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Every Saturday afternoon, the youths gather for weekly service. Here, we do meditation practice, listen to dhamma talk, and have sutta discussion. This weekly practice not only boosts deeper understanding into Buddhism, but also fosters spiritual friendship.


On this page you will find information regarding our Weekly Service schedule, Regular activities and Pushing Boundaries Camp.


Weekly Service

We usually conduct our service every Saturday from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM at BF West Centre (Yeo's Building).

Click below to find out more about our service schedule.

Here in buddhist fellowship, friendship are forged through various activities and games! Ranging from adventurous kayaking to chill meal sessions, BFY hopes to build a strong and interconnected community. We strongly believe that socialising and being part of a community is also part of personal development as well as to improve one's mental health.

Regular Activities

Other than weekly service, we have other activities as well.

Click below to find out more of our regular activities.


Pushing Boundaries Camp

Every year, we conduct a camp at the end of the year.

Click below to find out more about our Pushing Boundaries Camp.

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