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What is Buddhism?

This page aims to introduce people to Buddhism and its teachings



Why do we chant?

1. Calm the mind and collect your thoughts

2. Strengthen faith (saddhā) through recollection

3. Show gratitude to the countless generations of practitioners who have passed down the teachings of the Buddha

The youth group practises meditation regularly before the weekly service starts. Every now and then, we conduct mindfulness sessions for practising different kinds of mindfulness meditation.

The 5 Offerings

The 5 Offerings is the offering of 5 objects that we present in front of the Buddha statue as a form of respect and gratitude.

Click below to find out more about the 5 offerings.



Meditation is one of the core practices in Buddhism, it is the practise of being aware of one's mind.

Click on the button below to find out more about meditation in Buddhism.

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This is where you can find the frequently asked questions, feel free to click below see the FAQ

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Buddhist Traditions

In Buddhism there are different traditions, the main ones are the Theravada tradition, Mahayana tradition and Tibetan tradition.

Click below to find out more about the different traditions.

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