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Meditation is a technique that has to do with the mind, to train the mind to focus and concentrate as well as to have a higher state of awareness.

Purpose of meditation:

  1. Meditation is a way of taking control of the mind so that it becomes peaceful and focused, and the meditator becomes more aware. 

  2. Meditation is a process of self improvement as you are constantly training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts back to the present moment.

  3. Mindfulness sessions also helps personal development and spiritual growth

Types of meditation:

  1. Samatha Bhavana: is a type of meditation that characterised by concentration, focusing on one object without being distracted. the mental concentration can lead to tranquility by ridding the mental defilements and ultimately reach the Jhana state

  2. Vipassana Bhavana: is a type of meditation that is of a higher level than Samatha, that aims to purify the mind, to gain insight on the knowledge of the way, and ultimately to reach Nibanna.

Meditation postures:

  1. Sitting

  2. Standing

  3. Walking

  4. Lying down

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